Fleet Monitoring, Custom Metrics, and OTA Updates with Torizon & Sequality | Embedded World 2024

Jul 10, 2024 | English

We talked with our partner, Sequality about using Torizon's fleet monitoring, custom metrics, and OTA Updates features for their demo!

Watch as Sequality's CEO, Stefan Larndorfer, and Johannes Bichler, explain how they implemented a custom Web interface using the Torizon platform in the background. Their team used the Torizon API to build the project on two Verdin iMX8 SoMs on Yavia Carrier Boards to emulate EV Chargers using a Qt native application.

The demo showcases Torizon's fleet monitoring feature that allows Sequality to customize the metrics shown. The connection between the hardware and software sides is thanks to the Torizon API and Fluenbit, which sends the data directly to Sequality's Torizon server.

Johannes showcases how they were also able to perform updates using Torizon's Over-the-Air Updates feature to perform an update and roll-back.

Watch the full video, and learn how you can do like Sequality and leverage Torizon's features to keep your devices up-to-date and reliable!

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